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Evelyn Martin Heartfelt expression of condolence May 12, 2010

Accept my heartfelt expression of condolence. Take comfort it the knowledge that your husband lived a full and fulfilled life and most especially a life of CONTRIBUTION in the lives of other people and the Institutions to which he was associated or affiliated. Ultimately we are only remembered by the things we have done and Prof will forever live in the memories of many

My heartfelt condolences also to the children

Very best regards

Evelyn Martin

Evelynne Change Heartfelt condolences May 12, 2010


Dear Prof. Njeuma:

I  write to express my very sincere condolences for your loss.  From experience, I know it is very difficult and extremely courageous to announce the passing of a loved one but I hope you find comfort in the fact that you are not alone, time does heal and God is our greatest comforter. As the Irish say


May the Lord always shine His face upon you,
May He go ahead of you and bless you,
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm on your face,

the rain fall softly on your fields;

and until you meet again with your loved one,
May God hold you and your family in the palm of his hand


With heartfelt condolences


Programme Coordinator,

APR Secretariat 


Augusta Epuli Anjoh Be strong. May 12, 2010


Dear Mama,


What can I say? No one can be in your shoes now Mama! No one.!!. All we can do is pray for you.  My prayer for you now is that God should strengthen you and give you the grace to be strong and take the right decision at all times. Be strong, be strong. 


Lots of love Mama.


Kojo Busia, Ph.D With deepest sympathy May 12, 2010


On behalf of the ECA, as Strategic Partner to the APRM,  I wish to extend my deepest condolences to you and your family on your bereavement.

It is our hope that you find consolation in the knowledge that Prof. Martin Njeuma lived a full and productive life and left behind a legacy of knowledge and accomplishments that will live on long after him.  His participation in several African boundary commissions is, perhaps, his greatest contribution to the continent.

May his soul rest in perfect peace.

With deepest sympathies.


Kojo Busia, Ph. D.
Senior Development Management Officer
Chief, APRM Support Section
Governance and Public Admnistration Division
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Isaac NJIEMOUN May God give you his Peace May 12, 2010

Dear Professor Njeuma,


It is right now i came accross your e-mail announcing the sad news of the death of Professor Martin Zachary Njeuma, your beloved husband.
Please accept my deepest condolences. Do be courageous and proud of the priceless contribution both you and your late husband brought to the building of our country Cameroon. May his soul rest in peace. May God give you his Peace and Hope.

Best regards,

Olga Masee Njee Okafor Mrs. May 12, 2010
(2 Timothy 4:7)
Our beloved Uncle Zac, you came, you saw, you achieved and you conquered. Uncle Zac, you were a unifying factor of the Njeuma family. I remember when you came to bury your late sister, Mrs. Christiana Njeuma Adu in Lagos, Nigeria. I remember how you made out time in Summer 2005 and visited all the Njeuma grand and great-grand children in USA and beyond. In so many ways that are not recorded, you displayed the fact that you are the Patriarch of the Njeumas. The Njeuma family and in-laws have lost a great brother, father, husband, uncle, grandfather, great-grandfather and friend.
As a Professor in History, Cameroon has lost a great man and historian. To all scholars of History in West Africa and abroad, one of the greatest contributors has been lost. His journey has impacted the lives of many and the depth of this scholar will forever be appreciated by many across all walks of life.
Our consolation is that you are resting with God, your Creator. Uncle Zac, rest in peace. It is our prayer that GOD will keep you in His bosom, where you would find eternal rest, joy and peace forever. May your soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in Perfect Peace. Amen.
Your Niece – Olga Masee Njee Okafor
Souad Abdennebi-Abderrahim Toutes mes condoléances May 12, 2010
Chère Madame Njeuma,

C'est avec une grande tristesse que j'apprends le décès de votre mari, le Professeur Martin Zachary Njeuma, que Dieu vous donne la patience et  le courage de surmonter cette douloureuse épreuve et qu'il lui accorde son infinie Miséricorde.
Toutes mes condoléances

Souad Abdennebi-Abderrahim
Max Bond Heartfelt condolences. May 12, 2010

Dear Dorothy,


I was very sorry to hear of the passing of your husband.  On behalf of all your colleagues and friends at the United Nations University, I send you our heartfelt condolences.




Max Bond

Executive Officer

Office of the Rector

UNU Centre

53-70 Jingumae 5-chome

Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8925


Joe Fonjoe Sincere Sympathy May 12, 2010
Accept our sincere sympathy for the great loss not just to the family but to Cameroon  and the whole world. When I called Embelle in Cameroon during her vacation, she said her entire time is spent taking care of her dad. When this happened i called her in New York and told her she was so lucky to have had the opportunity of taking care of him.
We will keep you and the entire family in prayers.
Joe, Nagwa and the kids (Langmia, Nina anf Kuna)
Hamdou Raby Wane Sincere Condolences May 12, 2010
Dear Mrs. Njeuma,

It is with a deep sadness that I read the announcement of the passing away
of your husband, Professor Martin Zachary Njeuma. This is indeed a big loss
for yourself, your family and for the Cameroonian people. The African
academia and scholars will miss him, in particular in these troubled times,
in which the continent will need the wisdom and the knowledge of all its
pioneers in the science and practice of neighborhood and cohabitation.

My wife is joining me to express our sincere condolences to the Njeuma
family and allies in Yaounde and Buea. May God the Almighty give you the
strength and a reinforced faith to face this loss. May his soul rest in
peace and your prayers for him be accepted.

Very personal regards,

Your brother,


   Hamdou Raby Wane
   Agricultural Production Systems Section
   Food Security & Sustainable Development Division
   United Nations Economic commission for Africa
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