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Mary-Anne Gollnitz With Heartfelt Sympathy May 11, 2010
Donatien BIHUTE Toutes mes condoléances May 11, 2010
Chère Madame Njeuma,
C'est avec une grande tristesse que j'apprends le décès de votre mari
dont le Cameroun et l'Afrique doivent être fiers pour sa contribution au progrès de la science et sa probilté intellectuelle. En ces moments difficiles pour vous et votre famille, gardez le courage nécessaire pour supporter cette epreuve.
Toutes mes condoléances
Donatien BIHUTE,
membre de l'Equipe du MAEP
que vous avez si bien dirigée.
Kango LARE-LANTONE Condolence Message May 11, 2010
Dear “Mother”
I am deeply saddened by the death of your husband, Professor Martin Zachary Njeuma. This must be very difficult for you and your family. You are in my thoughts and my prayers.
The Professor has passed on to a better place now.  You can take comfort and strength from the wonderful contribution the both of you together have made to your family, Cameroon , Africa and humankind.
May God bless you and your family during this time and always!

Malik SI-MOHAMMED, Ph.D Mes condoléances May 11, 2010
Chère Madame Njeuma,

C'est avec beaucoup de tristesse que j'apprends le décès de votre regretté époux, le Professeur Martin Zachary Njeuma.

En cette pénible circonstance, je tiens à vous adresser, à vous-même et à l'ensemble de votre famille, mes condoléances les plus sincères. Je prie Dieu le Tout-Puissant d'accorder au défunt son Infinie Miséricorde et de l'accueillir en Son Vaste Paradis, ainsi que de vous donner à toutes et à tous le courage et la patience de surmonter cette douloureuse épreuve. Nos pensées et nos prières vous accompagnent.

Chef de Cabinet
National Economique et Social
Dere Lyon Keep the Hope Bright May 11, 2010
Memories of Prof Njeuma will continue to live on in many minds, but one thing is reassuring, that there is going to be a ressurection of both the righteous and the unrighteous. So though he is gone, we are convinced that he has gone to rest and we will see him again. For Jesus himself promised that "The hour is coming in which all those in the graves will hear his voice and come out."    John 5:28,29;   Acts 24:15.
May these promises from the sciptures comfort our crushed hearts and uplift our spirits as we look forward to that time when we will welcome Prof into God's new world of righteousness. This is no wishful thinking. It is the truth and must certainly come true. God has promised. 2 Peter 3:13; Rev.21:3-5.     
Eben Ebai nee Nina Fossung I share your grief May 10, 2010
Dear Embelle and Christy,
I really don't know what to say. Just want to let you know that I share your pain and grief at this great loss. May the Good Lord give you the strength to be there for your mum and see you through these life wrecking moments. You are in my prayers. May he RIP.
Elizabeth Tchwenko God is in Control May 10, 2010

Dear Christie, Embelle and Aunty Dorothy,

May God give you all the strength to withstand this great loss. Weep not, for he is with the Lord.

You are all in our prayers.

Nico Halle Barrister May 10, 2010
My wife and I learnt with profound sorrow, pain, resignation, shock and consternation of the passing on to glory of your beloved husband, father, uncle and Brother, Prof. Martin Zachary Njeuma which occurred on April 28, 2010. During this very painful and sad moment, we wish to extend our heartfelt condolences to you, the entire Njeuma family and friends of the deceased. Prof. Zach Njeuma lived an accomplished life and his death constitutes a great loss not only to his family, but to the Cameroon Nation as a whole.

While lamenting this great, irreparable and irreplaceable loss, it is but advisable for us Faithful to thank God Almighty for the life of our departed father, husband and brother, and for what he represented to his entire family, friends and the Cameroon Nation.

May God Almighty give you the courage and solace to accept this loss and also grant to our departed brother eternal rest in His Heavenly bosom. Take heart and believe in God for He gave and now He has taken; may His name be praised.

Once more accept our heartfelt condolences.

Nico Halle & Justine. 
James T. AKO-EGBE Synod Office, Buea May 10, 2010

Dear Ma'am and Family,

I send to you my very sincere condolences on the death of your beloved husband whom I came to know and admired for quite many years now.  The virtues of gentleness and simplicity surrounded his person and he exemplified those attributes wherever you met him. 


I pray that the Lord God gives you the fortitude to stand the loss and that he, having completed his work on earth and being called timely at the biblical age of three scores and ten is a great relief from  the other details of life to come.  May he be received mercifully by His Creator - our God.

Forkl, Hermann Dr. May 10, 2010

Dear Mrs Njeuma and family,


I would like to offer my sympathies to you. Professor Njeuma's death touched me so sadly and I hold him in grateful remembrance. For I shall never forget his warm help to me 27 years ago concerning my fieldwork in Cameroon.


My sincere condolence





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