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This tribute is borne out of very deep, everlasting and genuine sense of personal loss at the passing away of a very rare germ.


Uncle Zac, the news of your death came to me as a deep shock because I was not privileged to bid you farewell. If I had known that the last time I saw you at the Small Soppo residence would be our last meeting, I would have bid you farewell and made some requests.


You will forever be in my heart and those of my wife and children. How can we forget all those fatherly affections, care and advice you gave us?  How can we forget your great sense of humor, your undiluted and impeccable command of English, Bakweri and Bassa languages? How can we forget your stories, which come out new and fresh all the time? What a witty speaker.  How can we ever forget you? Can’t say goodbye because you are alive forever in our hearts. A vacuum envelopes us and our minds become a roamer. Reflection upon reflection characterize our entire night. Finally, it is crystal clear that God has His say and no one can reverse it….


Adieu my most precious Uncle Zac! Adieu Uncle! My family and I miss you.


You shall forever be loved; you will never be forgotten and you shall be sorely missed. I will have nobody to call me again, JOE-BOY….. NSUMBI…..


Rest in the bosom of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Adieu.


Dr. Joe MAFENI MASE (Nephew)

IRAD Ekona - Cameroon




              ( A tribute to UNCLE ZAC ) 
      A blazing sun shone from above,
      As happy birds chanted songs for the " GREAT " from below ...

      An earthly voice came crying out,

      In a twinkle of an eye,
      Descended thick clouds of white.
      Like a dream ...
      A little girl dressed in sparkling white with a golden crown of flowers clipped to her hair, 

      Looked down from within the clouds in a broad smile ...     
      Almost whispering, came the echoes of her gentle and soft voice ...

      A sudden air of silence set in ...
      Uncle ZAC had just given his LAST DEEP BREATH.

      Oooohhh ...  !!  Whaaattt ... !!  Tata eeehhh ... eeee LOWA !!

      Then it dawned on us the living,
      This was the hour man was now uniting with his CREATOR.
      Taking along his memory and deeds,
      He also leaves us this LEGACY :

      SIMPLICITY : " Mami Limunga ...(wearing his usual smile)", he fondly and            
      respectfully called me. In him I saw a jovial man interacting with all 
      societal classes, age alike and sharing his good sense of humour.
       HARD WORK  :  The sky is man's limit in all ye do but not without God's blessings,
      did learn from him. Knowledge knows no barrier, space, place or 
      time ... he did set the pace.

      Now, I HUMBLY BOW TO UNCLE ZAC as he QUITS SCENE 70 on the EARTH's

                                        Limunga BILLY-EKO,
                                        CRTV Mballa II- Yaounde.

Lawrence Billy-Eko

Uncle Z,

Little did I anticipate that seeing you that Saturday in March of 2010 would be the last time.

May the Good Lord have eternal mercy on your soul and provide to Aunty Limunga, Embelle and Christine the peace, love, comfort they will need in dealing with your aftermath.

As you transition to the hereafter, please remember all of us as we fondly remember you.

Do tell your brother Billy that we miss him also and we hope to see you all when we ALL get there.

Lawrence Billy-Eko

George Mondinde Ikomey



Its with a heavy and grievous heart we write this tribute. Coming to terms with realizations has been very difficult, we still have it in mind that it is one of those your trips to Buea or America and wish to  see you back.  Each time you travel and come back you’ll always say “THE EAGLE HAS LANDED’. But unfortunately the EAGLE has flown into thin air this time and will never land again, we are so much in grief.


Pa, you were a GOOD man, GOOD AS IN GOOD, EXCELLENT nice, peaceful and a loving father, father-in-law and grandfather to us. I remember the first time I saw you and when you took a bold step to come to Nigeria with Mondinde for my traditional marriage, that memory has lingered with us. We were so fond of you, we miss you dearly.


Daily we longed to climb up and see you strong and healthy again but you played a fast one on us which has given us a shock that we shall live with for a long time.


Pa, you were a STRONG PILLAR to us, an impeccable father, father-in-law and grandfather, that cannot be quantified, I and the children (Lucy, Christabel and Bryan {little Pa as you fondly called him) not forgetting Henry (Big man) as you fondly called him also.


Pa, your demise has left a vacuum which cannot be filled. We lack words to express our grievous state, but we take solace in the fact that  it has pleased the Lord to take you into His bosom where there is no sickness,  blindness and no more drinking plenty of medicines.


ADIEU Pa, and good nite, have a peaceful rest in the bossom of our Lord Jesus  Christ, till we meet to part no more.  Once more  ADIEU!  ADIEU! ADIEU.!



Mondinde, Paulyne, Lucy, Christabel and Bryan(Little Pa) Catherine.

   (Etoa Meki, Yaounde)

Ntang Elad

I remember being told as a young boy that when I was an even younger child I had asked my mom if I had two dads, the other of course being Uncle Zac. I now know that there were many other people I saw at that age but only you did I mistake for my second father. Too young to memorize I can only guess what kind of warmth led to such a mistake on my part. The next profound memory was calling you Uncle Muaee, (a nickname that you and my Dad shared so affectionately for so long).

If success goes beyond financial and academic to personal and supportive then you have always been an all rounder and I will miss you dearly, especially for the last two. Farewell Uncle Muaee and thank you for being not only an Uncle but also a second Dad, whenever the chance presented itself. Yours was a life full of success, a path we hope we are brave enough to follow. May your ship sail smoothly to its inevitable glorious anchor.

全ての思い出: 70
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