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Sweetie Ngonda H Mandi Adieu To My Uncle May 10, 2010

My Dearest Uncle,


What moves through me since l learnt of your sudden passing is a silence a quiet sadness, a longing for one more day, one more touch, one more word with you. l may not understand why you left this earth so soon or why you left before l could say goodbye but little by little l begin to remember not just that you died,but that you lived.

l can't thank you enough for your numerous advice and help that you rendered to me my entire life. Greetings to Grandpa Isaac, Grandma Sophie and my Dad. What a feast in heaven. REST IN PEACE.


Jessica, Peter and Zacharia say thank you so much.

Prof. Leonhard Harding Death of Prof. Martin Njeuma May 7, 2010
Please accept my sincere condolences for the death of your husband.
I had the pleasure to work with him in an international research project on "land in Cameroon" more than twenty years ago and I still remember his hospitality and his friendship. He was so kind as to house two of my collaborators in his house and to discuss with them the more than complicated aspects of land rights in your country.
I hope he had a death without too great pain. He may rest in peace.
Leonhard Harding
Prof. of African History, University of Hamburg
Prof. Alfred K. NJAMNSHI Our heartfelt condolences May 7, 2010
Dear Prof and Family,
Dora and I and our whole family have been deeply saddened to learn of the death of your beloved husband.
May our Heavenly Father Himself provide you with the grace and all that you need at this difficult moment.
In prayers for you,

Grayce Endeley Princess May 7, 2010
Aunty Limunga, Emby, Christine, Marlene, Mama Lucy and the entire Njeuma family,

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this very difficult time.  My God grant you the fortitude to bear this terrible loss and my He receive Uncle Zac into His Kingdom.

Grayce, for the Endeley Family
Frederick Eko Uncle Zac passes on May 7, 2010
Dear Auntie Limunga, Embelle and Christine,
It is with great shock that I heard Uncle Charlie (Zac) had passed. I am so sorry for your loss. He will be missed tremendously.
He was always a pleasure to be around. I have only fond memories of his visits to Douala and the funny stories about Sasse he shared with Daddy (of course calling each other Charlie a million times). I even thought his name was really Charlie.
Unfortunately the last time I saw Uncle Zac was in April 2008 in Limbe.
May his soul rest in peace and may the Lord give you all and the rest of the family and friends the comfort in knowing he is at rest and in a better place.
Dr. Gabriel Deussom my heartfelt condolences May 7, 2010
Dear Christine:
This message is to express to you and all Professor's family members my heartfelt condolences.  Professor had been my thesis supervisor but also a father. He gave me his unflagging support throughout my academic life and later on. He did a lot for me. I am heart broken by his sudden death. It is an invaluable loss. I join you and all family members at this time of sorrow and sadness. I will miss him forever. He taught me moral values and inspired my life. I learned from him how to give without expecting anything in return. He was the greatest person I ever known. I join all the family to mourn our father and master. I am so sorry for the loss. I pray our Almighty God to welcome him to his kingdom. May he rest in Peace. Please let me know what I can do to help.

Lyombe Eko Dr. May 7, 2010
My heartfelt condolences to Mrs. Dorothy Njeuma and family.

Eh kweli yenga, na luteya szai szai
Eh kweli yenga, na nanga na kama

Mola moleli, yondo swelele!
Elias Nwana Our sincere condolence May 6, 2010

Hello Embelle and Christie,

It is with a heavy heart that I write on behalf of all of us the Nwana's on the loss of your dear dad and our dear friend, Dr. Zach Njeuma. It came as a shock to us because we thought the worst was over and he was recovering from his ailments. We know the tremendous loss you are feeling and the void that your dad's passing has created. However, rest assured that we are here with you in thoughts and prayers and that he rests now with the Lord in tranquility and more importantly he is watching over you all the time. Please stay strong as we know you both will. We sleep at night knowing that you have always proven the strength, and faith for the Lord that your parents and you yourselves have instilled upon yourselves. Stay firm in your unflinching faith and God will guide you through.


Elias Nwana on behalf of the Nwana family

Walter Gam Nkwi PhD candidate, Universiteit Leiden May 6, 2010


I join the line to say ashia for the passing away of not only your dad, husband and uncle but my mentor at the University of Buea, Departmant of History. Prof. you initiated me in the ritual of historical craft but God destined that you will not see me graduate. God writes straight in rooked lines goes the Spanish saying. He gave you to the world on assignment and has taken you back after you have finished it. You have fought like a valiant soldier and we will keep praying for you to intercede for us in many fronts. Adieus


Virginia DeLancey Sad news of Martin May 5, 2010

Dear Dorothy,


I just heard the sad news of the death of Martin and was so sorry to receive it.  Mark passed the news on to everyone in the family.  We were all touched by Martin in many ways over the years, first as a mentor (while he was still a graduate student in London) to learn more about Cameroon, and then as a colleague, and most of all as a friend.


I did not know that Martin had been suffering for so many years.  In fact, I haven’t been back to Cameroon in a long time (the years pass quickly), not since the fall of 2000 when I made the final review of the Indiana U. linkage with the U. of Yaounde and then visited young Mark in the North where he was conducting his dissertation research.  I’ve been here in the Chicago area for about 9 years already.  I continue to think of Cameroon, and I always think of you and Martin when I think of Cameroon.


I hope that you and the girls are well and that we continue to keep in touch.


Take care,




Virginia DeLancey

9250 Mango Avenue

Morton Grove, IL  60053

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